32nd Annual Beach Cities Toy Drive Wrapping Party

- What
- 32nd Annual Beach Cities Toy Drive Wrapping Party
- When
- 12/21/2024, 11:00 AM
- Where
- Hermosa Beach Community Center, 710 Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
The Cities of Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach are proud to announce the commencement of the 32nd Annual Beach Cities Toy Drive. The Beach City Toy Drive is held to provide toys to underprivileged children in the County of Los Angeles who would otherwise do without during the holiday season. All toys collected go directly to charities who in turn give those gifts to families in need. To participate, you can donate unwrapped new toys and bring them to various locations in HB & MB.
Help spread the joy by donating unwrapped new toys at any of the locations below:
- Hermosa Beach Police Department: 540 Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach (open 24 hours)
- Los Angeles County Fire Station No. 100: 540 Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach
- Manhattan Beach Fire Department: 400 15th Street, Manhattan Beach
- Drive Thru - Hermosa Beach City Hall Parking Lot on Saturday, December 7 and Saturday, December 14, from 10 AM-2 PM: 1315 Valley Drive, Hermosa Beach
The annual wrapping party will take place on Saturday, December 21, 2024 from 11:00 AM until the toys are wrapped at Hermosa Beach Community Center Gym, 710 Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach. Participants are asked to please bring scissors, tape, and extra wrapping paper. For more information, see the flyer and visit beachcitiestoydrive.com.