Valley & Vista: Drumspeak: Taiko Ensemble - The Rhythm of Inspiration Assembly

Drumspeak: Taiko Ensemble - The Rhythm of Inspiration Assembly - Valley (5th-8th Grade) 9:07-9:47 AM and Vista (3rd Grade) 11:00-11:30 AM on 4/29/2024
Valley & Vista: Drumspeak: Taiko Ensemble - The Rhythm of Inspiration Assembly

Drumspeak: Taiko Ensemble - The Rhythm of Inspiration Assembly is coming to Hermosa Valley and Vista on Monday, April 29, at Valley (5th-8th Grade) from 9:07-9:47 AM and Vista (3rd Grade) from 11:00-11:30AM! This performance-based, educational, interactive assembly will inspire, educate, and engage our students with the rich cultural heritage of Japanese taiko drumming.

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